Remember the time you solved a puzzle putting in pieces together till you realised that one piece that was wrong ruined the entire picture? There might have been times that this feeling, like that one piece that did not fit into the picture might have come to you when you felt out of place like that one piece.

Then what is it that can be done to help you with eliminating these feelings of being out of place. Be it in a social setting, any groups, perhaps your friend circle, your work place or your school and college being felt unwanted and out of place at times is completely normal and ok. It takes time for one to adjust to new settings and become familiar with them.

While being at it you might want to remember some tips to get you to go through these events.

  • Patience is the key.
    The most important thing to do in these times is to be patient. Changes do not happen quickly. Just like Rome was not built in a day, in order to adjust to people we must be given time to ourselves and the people around us.
  • Internalize and Think.
    Have I done the job correctly? Am I presenting myself well? Are some questions you might ask yourself? Think about beginning a new life with the new people and learn to adjust to these new setting.
Five tips to help you think on your feet - SmartCompany
  • Don’t compare the past
    There are always going to be better times in your life than the present which will seems impossible to rebuild again. Don’t compare past relationships with new and start this chapter of your life afresh, thinking about how a new bond will be soon created.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others | Psychology Today
  • Don’t succumb to peer pressure.
    Peer pressure can often cause you to change your way of living. This includes how you might want to change your clothes, life style and manner of personality so that you can
    “Fit- In” easily with the crowd.
    But this will only cause you to feel more out of space as there will be a gap between Who you are and what you’re trying to be causing anxiety Within you. Be yourself and let others accept you for you.
Peer pressure - De Econometrist

Saying this, we can achieve what we want in due time and manner.

It is important to let yourself give you time to adjust and stay before leaving too soon that you might regret later.

As quoted, “The me who wants to leave today might be the me who would have wished to stay yesterday.” So it’s on you to decide if you want to leave and wonder what might have been so or stay and live in the have been so.

So take your time and relax, for the wrong piece in one place that can spoil the picture is the same right piece that can make another picture. Until next time hold on and stay calm!

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